Friday 31 October 2014

Blogging - A great way to make friends

When you finish university and drift away from your friends it can be hard to see how you can make new ones. If you work with older people and don’t do much in your free time, how can you? Blogging has become a way to meet like-minded people and create friendships online. Although there is so much stigma about fake profiles and catfishing, bloggers show the world they are real through their blogs thus creating trust in people’s online relationships.
Blogging - a great way to make friends
As a way of making friends, blogging has helped me meet many people that I would never have had a chance to if I’d stayed away from the online world. Twitter is the main place that I get the chance to strike up conversations with people, mostly bloggers as they seem like the friendliest bunch. It can be in a scheduled chat such as #bbloggers or #lbloggers, in response to a question or simply saying hi to someone new. From a person's twitter profile you can most of the time find links to their other social media pages and of course their blog. I love to go through blogs from people I speak to on twitter and leave lots of lovely comments.
Blogging - a great way to make friends
An online friendship can stay at just that but more and more we are deciding to be courageous in our search for new friends by meeting them! In the past, I've met people at brand events, blogger meetups or just asking someone out for coffee. Us bloggers love the lure of tea and cake. It is so nice to meet people that you've spoken to online as you finally can put a voice and a personality to the face and online persona. You can establish what they are really like in person rather than just what they portray online which can most of the time help in becoming better friends.

Blogging - a great way to make friends

At said events and meetups there is also the chance to make friends with people you hadn't previously known online which means you can start the friendship with a face to face meet. This can sometimes be harder as you have to pluck up the courage to speak to someone but with bloggers, every one is so friendly you never get brushed off.

Blogging - a great way to make friends

The blogging community is truly an open and welcoming one with no judgements and a lot of love. It is brilliant that the internet opened up such a lovely place for people to chat about what they like and what they dislike whilst making friends along the way. Going forward I'm going to make much more of an effort to see my blogging friends and of course make new ones! 

Feel free to tweet me if you'd like to say hi! @danniannie

Have you made friends through blogging?

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