Monday 7 July 2014

My juicing failed.

So my juicing failed and after only one juice. I know I know it is bad but seriously the juice I had to drink was horrific. The three-day detox is by Jason Vale (The Juice Master) from his Keeping it Simple book. The first juice called juice master's detox special includes; apple, carrot, lemon, yellow pepper, cucumber, celery, broccoli and beetroot. He says in his book "never let the aesthetics put you off - it tastes good".

What a bunch of LIES! Now I don't know if this detox works so please don't let me put you off having a go. What I would suggest is making up this juice first to see if you can handle it because for the first day you have to have this for breakfast and for lunch. The juice itself is okay but you get such a huge scent and taste of the yellow pepper, it is in my opinion vile. I drank the first juice with a bit of struggle and even had to leave some as I couldn't finish it. I then was thinking about the next one in the run-up to lunch whilst trying to get the taste of pepper out of my mouth - I HATE peppers! When the time came to drink the second one it was so hard to even get myself to have a sip and when I finally did I had to run to vomit. Let's just say I really did not like the taste.

Hey I may have got the recipe wrong and it may be really nice, but I highly doubt it. I also really love vegetables and fruit so it isn't like I was trying something out of my comfort zone, I did think I'd like this.
Another thing that you need to think about when you are on a detox is caffeine. I usually don't drink very many cups of tea but I do love one on a morning. As I didn't get to have one by the afternoon I was getting a headache. I know it would have been good to ride this out but I gave in and had one. I need to get on the decaffeinated tea again!

It is such a shame that I didn't get to carry out the whole three-day detox as I would have loved to have felt as good as people say you do after the time is up. I can tell you that I missed food so much in that short time I was juicing and was craving everything under the sun knowing I wouldn't eat for three days. When I told myself it was over as I couldn't physically drink the juice I got myself some real food and I felt much happier.


  1. Haha this did make me laugh! I don't think I'd even attempt it though, I like real food too much!

  2. Haha, I could never attempt juicing I love food far too much. I do make myself a fruit smoothie for breakfast/lunch every day though and so far that's working pretty well for me so I'm happy.
    Kloe xx

  3. hahahahaha... oh dear.
    I too tried juicing.. and failed.. because.. of the taste and mostly the expense! :/
    Thing is, being healthy is a lifestyle change and not a quick fix and doesn't happen over night and you deffo shouldn't have to cut food groups of things out. It's all about portion sizes and moderation.
    Plus I really don't think you need to loose any weight!!!


  4. I really want to try this but I am quite healthy anyway and not sure I would be able to swap a meal for a drink!!! I am a fitness freak and really hate fad diets. Eating healthily most of the time and working out is the way forward!!



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