Tuesday 18 March 2014

Healthy Nails - Crystal Nail File Review

I'm obsessed with keeping my nails in tip top condition. There is barely a day goes by when my nails aren't painted. When I take my polish off I have to prep my nails again for the next coat of polish and this is when I cut my nails, file them and get rid of any excess cuticle. I've been using a rather coarse nail file from Salon Services for a while but when Healthy Nails offered to let me try their Crystal nail file I was interested to see how it matched up.

Healthy Nails Crystal Nail File Review

Healthy Nails Crystal Nail File Review

Healthy Nails Crystal Nail File Review

Healthy Nails - Crystal Nail File - £12.99*

The Crystal nail file is the first product from Healthy Nails, a company planning to introduce a small number of carefully selected products to help keep nails healthy. The nail file is made in the Czech Republic from flat glass using acid etching to make the glass coarse.

On receiving this nail file from Amazon I was surprised how well this product was presented. Inside the packet was a cute little sleeve which held the nail file in it's case. The silver case, which is really handy for carrying this product in your bag, pulls apart to reveal the crystal nail file inside.

The nail file is sleek, small and very attractive to use with a shiny end to hold whilst you file. To the touch, the glass feels like really fine, flat sandpaper. When I used this I was really impressed with how well it matched up to my other nail files, although not much to the touch when I started filing my nails I could see how fast it was making an impression. When using other nail files I find that I am left with rough edges to my nails with parts that could snag clothes but what I was amazed at with this is that it doesn't drag along your nails but rather 'turns the edges of my nails to dust' as stated on the website.

What I also find impressive about this product is that it claims to last forever! The special glass they use along with the acid etching means the product will never wear down and give a great finish as long as you own it.

I was really apprehensive to try a crystal nail file but I am so glad that Healthy Nails gave me the opportunity to try one as I now really appreciate how great they are! For £12.99 they may seem steep now but years on when you still have the same one you will realise what great value they are. They also come in two more colours - pink or purple - so you can choose a girlie version, or stick with plain black!

On Healthy Nails' website, I found some great tips for keeping your nails in great shape such as filing tips, ways to stop biting your nails and also how base coat helps. Even if you are a nail pro these are really interesting reads!


  1. I really need to pick up a Crystal Nail File. I think the value for money will eventually push me.



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